Work Packages

Work Package 7 - Collaboration with the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC)

Leader Domenica Taruscio - Istituto Superiore di Sanitą, Italy 




WP7 is responsible for strengthening the collaboration between RARE-Bestpractices and IRDiRC. To date some of the RARE-Bestpractices partners are already involved in IRDiRC: ISS and BAPES are members of IRDiRC Interdisciplinary Scientific Committee and NIH-ORDR and OPHG, Project Advisors, are members of the Executive Committee. The close partnership and collaboration with IRDiRC is crucial, as it would deliver great opportunities for RARE-Bestpractices to achieve its objectives and increase the project added value in the long term globally.




D7.1- Report from IRDiRC meetings (M12,24,36,48)