Work Packages

Work Package 2 - Platform infrastructure

Leader Joanne Auld - Jamarau, United Kingdom



  • to set up, develop, implement and maintain an online database that enables collection, prioritization and communication of research recommendations, enabling access
  • to develop, implement and maintain a project website that enables the network to publicize its activities / results and communicate the availability and purpose of the network’s resources
  • to set up, implement and maintain an online database facilitating collection, development, dissemination and revision of BP guidelines, enabling access
  • to develop and maintain a web community for developing the pilot guideline




D2.1 - Project Website (M6)

D2.2 - BP Guidelines and research recommendation databases infrastructures and users documentations  (M24)

D2.3 - Resource Review Report (M36)

D2.4 - Web Community and System Support (M20)