RARE-Bestpractices workshop at INSERM in Paris

On Tuesday 25th October 2016 a workshop will be held in Paris hosted by the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm). The workshop is organized by University of Newcastle and Istituto Superiore di Sanità within the scope of the dissemination activities of RARE-Bestpractices (Work Package 6 – task 6.3).

The aim of the workshop is to raise awareness of the resources and tools developed and tested within the framework of RARE-Bestpractices and to discuss how the project resources and tools could be exploited by the soon to be established European Reference Networks and by other relevant initiatives in rare diseases.

The workshop will bring together invited policy makers and stakeholders involved in the rare disease field from the European Commission, Health Ministries and relevant networks/initiatives. See the AGENDA


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